Hope everyone is well and your exams are going okay. I have one more left now… 8th of June Cinema Studies on the topic of 1980s British Cinema.. So I am watching Trainspotting as we speak! Ewan Mcgregor is fantastic!
This is what I wore to an Elton John concert Saturday night, I am not a big Elton fan but he owns half of my boyfriends life long football team Watford, and they are rubbish and are almost bankrupt so Elton John played to raise money. Sorry that this isn’t an interesting post been really busy recently with exams and work! However I am going back to my parents house for a week on Monday, much deserved rest from Nottingham even through i'll be revising for this cinema studies exam the entire time, apart from Thursday as my Dad has a dream to climb Mt. Snowdon in Wales and well I have agreed to accompany him! Wish me luck!
BLOGLOVIN' when I get 100 followers on bloglovin' I will be holding a giveaway!
I love the polka dots! Have a lovely Sunday xx
I love that dress! x
Beautiful polka dot dress, fierce heels too. x
Love the polka dots! And your heels are fab :-)
climbing a mountain :0 rather you than me hehe !!
you look amazing !!!! love the spots, and blazer !
so stylish, I'm jealous !
good luck with your exam sweetie ! sounds like a really interesting topic, 1980's films ! Trainspotting is like my boyfriends favorite film ever and he is constantly trying to get me to watch it !!
Don't forget to do some posts when you are in your parents house && yay about your giveaway :D xxx
I LOVE your shoes and the polka dot dress! Trainspotting is one of my favorite movies :)
Amazing outfit, I officially want your wardrobe! Cinema studies sounds like an exciting thing to study for, good luck with it all!
Kb from I Want You To Know
I was in Nottingham today! I always wonder if I might bump into you at some point - though perhaps not right now since you seem to be hard at work. Good luck in your last exam! It will feel like such a relief when you're free. Are you getting a job in the summer? I'm already back at work and it's bizarre going from a nocturnal student to a 9-5 office worker lol!
Aside from homely ramblings, you look lovely my dear! I've never been particularly attracted to polkadot outfits, I always worry they'd make me look about 12 and slightly emo... but you put this off definitely, very understated and the shoes are BEAUTS.
♥ Claire @ Jazzpad
I love your outfit, you wear it very well :) (I already follow you on Bloglovin ;)
i've just discovered your blog! i cant wait to have a good read :) xxx
Fab outfit,especially the heels!
What a fabulous dress, darling!
Love this look... the shoes and blazer are amazing too!
i am so inlove with that dress and those shoes i cant even tell you.<3
Hi Adele! Great outfit for the concert :) In north america Elton John is always made out to be a bit of a mean old thing by the media, so it's nice to hear he's got some good left in him.. Can't say I'm a massive fan of his either, but I bet the concert was epic !!
Good luck on your very last exam! I'll have my fingers crossed that you do well ;) And have fun climbing up the mountain hah what a nice little weekend adventure!
Oh my gosh! I didn't even mention how much I adore your shoes: simply LOVE them. Front and profile! lovely :)
great shoes!
love your dress and shoes! sounds like a fun time out :p
love your shoes ♥
Good luck with Snowdon! There was an incredibly friendly sheep that followed me when I went up, haha, I think it wanted food rather than company but you know..
It's really beautiful up there. :)
I love your fabulous polka dots!
Florrie x
That outfit is very cute! You have a beautiful blog here....Kisses and see you soon!
im loving polka dots right now!! we got a lot of things similar to this at work yesterday and im so tempted to use my discount, its to a good cause right?!
<33 xox
Ekk you're only 4 away from 100! That's so exciting :) You look so pretty in your dress and of course I'm still smitten with your shoes :) The climb with your Dad sounds fun, can't wait to read all about it!
I'm already following you on blogger, and now following you on bloglovin as well :)
Nice dress&Shoes!
Tokyo Quadrille
bebeyyy I just posted a video of me and my sistur singing pokaface! THIS OUTFIT COULDN'T BE MORE LUSH! The pokadots the muimui,,,kill me now and bury me in those shoes!
This is such a cute look on you! So perfect for Spring and I love the length. yay!
perfect in polka dots! x
Oh your shoooooes! Are they miu miu?
Following you on bloglovin!
so fun that you have these shoes i have actually found someone in china who is going to send me these. I am thinking of doing a post on the miu miu like shoes :)
Love the dress
How great for your dad!! You must tell us all about it when she completes the climb!
mountain climbing wow! Your polka dot dress is awesome :) x
fabulous outfit !
this so is an interesting post, girly :) you stunner. love the polka dots! and i'll never get sick of those shoes of yours :) xx
Thanks for the mention in the post below! (The link doesn't work :P) But thanks anyway! Your blog is cute- I following! x
Love the polka dots!
good luck dear!
love the dress
You look fabulous! I adore your polka dot dress and those shoes are amazing. Good luck on your exams!
This polka dots jumpsuit is super cool!
I adore this dress. it's so stunning, what material is it made of?
Dena x
kinggod, THE SHOES! Oh, they're so, so gorgeous! *swoon*
You look supremely fab, lady. ;)
oh girl i love your dress and shoes!! everything is perfect!
Love this dress girl, oh... but these SHOES! IS MORE THAN LOOOVE!
As you know: you had been tagged! ;)
the poka dots dress looks adorable and fun on you!
It looks like we wore VERY similar weekend outfits!!! I love polka dots =) Going to an Elton John concert is kind of epic, even if you aren't a huge fan. That's something that is a huge experience! =) Have fun getting rest at your parents house.
those shoes are gorgeous.
and that polka dot dress :)
Shoe jealousy. And LOVE the dress.
You look so cute in that polka dot dress! Loving the blog. xx
where are those shoes from? trade my red ones for them (thanks for your comment).
elton john is a classic crooner, if only gaga came along on a flaming piano. watford wouldnt know what hit em!
xx fi
love your outfit! awesome shoes!;)
are those miu mius?! ahhhhh!
polks dots are my fave! I love it!
I love this look...it looks very put together bc of the blazer, yet totally fun at the same time bc of the adorable polka dot dress underneath! Lovely~
Great outfit! The polka dots really suit you and those shoes are killer :)
ooh!! I love polka dots and this dress is really fab!! it looks really chic with a blazer.
Very cute dress, loves it!
tweet tweet tweet
Great photos. You look amazing. I love that outfit. Have a wonderful week.
still jealous of those miu miu shoesss !
and your polkadot dress does not fail to amaze me as well.
where are the shoes from? x
So, just saying, but I'm super jealous you get to live in the UK! Good luck with your last exam; I love Ewan McGregor!
Ah and I went to see Elton John last summer; he's alright. I saw in in joint with Billy Joel, who's songs I knew much better. Though I do hope the football team comes out of being nearly bankrupt! Have fun at your parents house!
congrats on the 100 followers lady!
ah don't worry about twitter...I have no idea how it works so I wasn't even sure if the message was sent :)
That is so amazing, your blog is really opening doors for you :)
but yea I know what you mean, summer is for doing summer type things, not working !! Something will come up when the time is better for you :)
Talk soon :D
you look fab!!!
I love the dress
Wonderful! I want those shoeeeesssss!
love your dres..
so jealous of those shoes! <3
fantastic outfit my dear. is it a dress or jumpsuit? so cute! how nice of elton to play for charity like that.- i mean he's big!
hope youre having a wonderful week.
p.s the top from the same place haha
i needed it ok- i needed it;)
this is tight- instead of baggy as the other.
xx ediot
I am OBSESSED with this look. You honestly look positively beautiful. Love the dress (the pockets are to die for!).
xxoo Josie
So cute. Love the dress and shoes.
Love the dress!
So cute! And I love your heels! Fab look.
xo, becs
adorable dottie dress! love ittt ;D
YOur heels are amazing!!!
This dress is beautiful toooo!
Char x
amazin outfit!!!!!!!!!!
love ur shoes so much!!!!!!!!
cool blog u have!!
thanx for ur comm:))
It's you and your misleading shoes again haha :D Lovely outfit, no question about that!
C'mon Watford :)
I absolutely love your dress!! ;)
I so adore the dress, Gorgeous!
such a cute dress, i love your blog! x
What an amazing dress and I love your shoes! You look beautiful.
love the polka dots x
Your outfit is so damn adorable and so perfect for an Elton John show! How was it?! I'm so jealous- i am suuuch a big elton john fan lol It's my cheesy side ;)
Where's your dress from? I can't seem to find that information anywhere in your post!
You look so pretty! I adore that dress and the shoes!
a great look for you!
cm :)
Love everything about this outfit! Especially the shoes and the blazer!
Love this dress doll!
Cute Blog
Stunning with this dress dear! :D
Awesome shoes! I love them!!!
SUPER cute dress!
love the polk-a-dots! and those shoes!!
wooow are those shoes miu miu? i love them *.*
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