
@sincerelyjules http://www.sincerelyjules.com/ @liveloveLA - http://livelovela.blogspot.com/
Melle Sarah http://www.chictopia.com/mellesarah (Couldn’t find a blog or twitter)
I think me making a grungy type collage defeats the object of my argument when it comes Dr Martens. I really want some. Like really. My boyfriend & my mom are completely against it suggesting they are vile, because they stereotypically belong to ruthless racist skinheads from the 1980s (See This Is England) I want to prove that if I bought them I would not look like a grungy emo girl just to give my normal everyday outfits more of an edge! Literally my boyfriend will disown my if I buy these… so help me out and send me cool photos of you all rocking these beauts to help change his mind haha!
Penso che mi fa un collage grungy tipo sconfitte l'oggetto del mio argomento, quando si tratta Dr Martens. Li voglio veramente. Il mio ragazzo e mia madre sono completamente contro di essa sembra che essi siano vili, perché appartengono a stereotipo spietato skinheads razzisti dal 1980 (vedi This Is England) Io voglio dimostrare che se li ho comprati non mi aspetto di una ragazza emo solo grungy di dare il mio abbigliamento normale quotidiana più di un bordo! Letteralmente il mio fidanzato lo rinnegherò il mio se compro queste ... in modo darmi una mano e mi mandi le foto cool di tutti voi a dondolo queste beauts per contribuire a cambiare la sua mente haha! (Scusate il mio italiano!)
what a great collage!! love it ;)
I got a pair of Dr. Martens and I really love them, they look so cool and are serious comfortable too!
I think they look amazing with a really girly dress and cute tights, think they would look LOVELY on you!!
Char x
This collage is completely awesome and I completely love your photos below!! HURRAY WORLD CUP!!
i love docs, i found some beautiful vintage chesnut ones with embroidered detail and brass buckles, but with my short stumpy legs i would never be able to pull them off! get them, they add a sense of originality and edge to outfits. great collage and photos!
I wish i had a pair of dr martens ! + i love the pics you choose :)
Docs are amazing. I really really want a pair-missed out by 6p on ebay today! Have you considered the heeled ones as a compromise? They're pretty swell!
Maybe you could use them in a really pretty outfit to prove to your loved ones how nice they can be =) In the late 90's, I was in middle school, and Doc Martins were all the rage. A good pair of docs with jeans, leather belt, and a button up: That was our prepsters.
Check out the new Dr Martens store: www.solecrafters.com
So I saw your blog. I wanted to invite you to follow my blog. I developed the idea for "Featured Followers by Elle © " where I promote all my followers. Check out my blog @ www.edkdolce.blogspot.com
I think Docs look great even with a nice floral dress to give the feminine look an edge. They're quite versatile.
haha love your reference to 'this is England'...after seeing that film I kind of get where your mum and BF are coming from; its scary !!
but of course they would look fab on a little cutie like you, and I'm sure when they see them on you, racist skinheads will be the last thing on their mind,obv. ;)
so I vote you should defs get some, and do a post asap ;)
Oh and, I love Heidi; my mum used to read it to me a lonng time ago :)
talk soon xxx
I loooove Doc Martens! I have a knockoff pair from forever 21 and they are lame compared to the real deal. I'm totally rooting for you to get a pair, they seriously go with everything! <3
you should get them, they make every outfit that bit more cool and are so comfy and last for years! I want a white pair,,,but my black ones are staple. I need to photograph them, I just gave them some purple laces :)
I loved mine! So great for the winter- especially the beautiful shiny colors.
my gosh love love love !
docs are the coolest :D
Awesome collage, what site do you use to make it?
I want a pair of combat boots like CRAZY
i dont see many collages, but i always love looking at yours!! great idea to spice up the blog... im not a fan of the doc martens, but some people can pull these off. these lovely ladies for example!
What a great collage!
Oh even i dream about Doc Martens
so i think you can buy them;)
what?! really?! grundgy is in it's too bad your mom and bf can't get pass the stereotypes. Tell them to watch Gossip Girl haha they make jenny humphrey look so grundgy-sexy!
I say, get them! They look so great with floral dresses or cut-off shorts and you will hardly notice they're Docs. They just become a part of you. I want a new colour once I get back to the UK, maybe grey, navy or cherry red.
Kb from I Want You To Know
Stumbled on your blog!
Cheers, Jesa
Dayuum, I want docs. You can buy them and if your bf really doesn't like them, send them to me ;) haha.
xx miss anonymous.
i want a pair of docs sooo bad!!
go for the dr martens! they're timeless, never out of fashion! i'm sure you could pull them off without looking emo/grunge as well :)
you're very cute, nice blog! x
So cool and inspiring! Love it :)
aaaaaamo le docs! bel collage!!
A me piacciono molto questo tipo di scarpe!
Stai studiando l'italiano per quando verrai in Italia?
Da quanto tempo hai iniziato a studiarlo?
Love the Docs, I'm sure you can pull them off & make them totally chic!
Aww! I think you should get them. I want Doc Martins as well, they're just perfect :(
Mustart x
Like the Doc a lot, but my legs are not thin enough for em.. :s
AH! Great previous post!! haha I love these shots! You look so relaxed and cute!
Love you darling!!
Lots of love xxxx haha ;)
magnificent collage! im so impressed love! and i used docs so much in high school- but then i got tired of them. im back to loving it again- especially with cute summer dresses. wish you a great week darling
xx ediot
I love Docs. I had a pair years ago. Don't think I've got any pics of me with them though. I hope you are able to get a pair. They are so cool.
Gorgeous collage! Such fabulous finds! xoxo
You should definitely get some! I don't own any because they're not my style....but I think they look awesome on people who do own them!
LOVE Docs!
You really are the queen of the collage. I love this. Doc Martens are so not skinhead-esque anymore!! Certainly not if you wear them the right way.... ok if you team them with a bomber jacket with a plaid lining you might get a few hostile looks, but seriously, they're cool. I don't have any unfortunately so I can't send any photos, but use my verbal assurances to back your case nonetheless haha! And these boots will last you a lifetime! If nothing else, play the practicality card ;)
♥ Claire @ Jazzpad
Oh no I love me a bit of Doc Martens as well but didn't even think of the racist connotations! You could get other lace-up boots?
love this post xxxx
Oh no, Docs are awesome!! How can your BF and mom be so against them? I bought a pair of red ones off of ebay once, and looooooved them, but they were too big - I'm definitely wanting to buy another pair though. They're so comfortable too!
i like them! especially all sexy with the mini dress and stockings!
amazing collage, you even made me who (sorry) hate docs like them :)
lovely post!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
cool martens!!!!!!!!!
love love love!!!!!!
keep visitin:))
Great collage! I love Dr. Martens, but I don't have any. I don't think I could really pull them off. But they would look absolutely perfect on you! Hopefully your mom and boyfriend will learn to love them!
gorgeous doc mart inspirations !
i thought u editted these pics really well !
Amazing collage!
love it
a classic, i'm currently searching for some vtg black dr marten shoes. my boots don't really suit me anymore
sono stupende le voglio!!!!!!!!
fagli veder le foto di questa modella:
i love me some doc's!! i cant wait for the hello kitty ones!!
I used to have cherry red docs - loved them. xx
I just stumbled across your blog and I must say, I love it!
Your have amazing syle! :)
Love this collage you made, very creative.
Do it! I wear mine all the time. They've lasted FOREVER. They're associated with rock by now. No one will think you're a skinhead. xx
I wore them all the time in middle school. I should dig through my old crap and see if they're anywhere to be found. I was the opposite of a grungy emo girl/skinhead, so I think you could definitely make them work. Then again, I mostly wore them with a private school uniform. Style FAIL. Haha.
I wanted Docs so badly in the 90s... When I was all of 8 years old, haha. I'm warming to them, though!
xo Josie
cute collage!! and i can't believe docs making a big comeback..i remember i had a pair of docs in the 90s when my mom used to shop FOR me..i didn't like them back then as much as i like them NOW haha
and thanks for following me on bloglovin'! yayy
**come enter for my Summer Love giveaway!**
doctor martens will never grow old to me, i love the distressed sole and fierce stamp x
Love this collage!!
Lovely blog, following you on bloglovin!!
<3 Kelly
oohh my! So so so sorry I haven't been around!! just checked in and what do I find but an awesome new collage :) yay!
I hear what you're saying..but maybe remind your fam that the style and shoe has been coopted by pop culture and doesn't have the same connotation anymore.
...also, if you go a little digging you'll find that skinheads weren't always haters. There were in fact black skinheads back in the day! the 'culture' of skinheads has since shifted into a seriously haneous little gathering of racists,...but that wasn't the original point of the social community at all.
I do not think you could change your boyfriend & mother's mind. You should just buy them, and then they would see how cool they really are. My girlfriend was all like "they are so tall, you are not going to wear them...", and now I have a black & a oxblood, from the vintage collection. They are awesome, my girlfriend liked them so much she's buying me a third pair, in brown.
Just be sure you are not buying some style/color that you will get tired of. Get some basic boot, like 8 eyelets in black, red or brown, since its easier to pull them off and its such a durable pair of boots. If you want my opinion, the new Pascal boots in the official site in brown look gorgeous, they sould be arriving at the online store at any momment now. Also, take a look at lookbook.nu. The girls looks so great, pairing their Docs with shorts, skirts, dresses... Everything.
Sorry for my bad, bad english, and greetings from Brazil.
Also, to avoid the skinhead look, do not lace them tight & straight.
i like your blog...nice outfit!
thanks a lot!!!
and I´m such a big fan of doc martens
great collage
I had a pair of Dr Martens when I was young...my mum just throw away them some months ago, arg!
Beautiful collage! What a nice selection of pics :)
I love you and doc martens :D
i woudnt call my style grunge, but i dooo LOVE it.
these are great outfits.<3
A Big item on my wish list! Love bottom left .. DrMartins are more at home on the rockstars feet rather than the racist skinhead these days ..
i LIVE in my DMs, i love them :)x
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