Sunday, 9 May 2010

Henry Holland


Diary of a Young Designer said...

My gosh that is what I call an insane collection of tights!!! I want them all!!


iliketweet said...

yay for crazy tights! I have a pair of the alphabet tights but they're still in the packet because they're purple... Not sure if I can rock them...

tweet tweet tweet


Anonymous said...

Love those tight !

Maria said...

so many great stockings ! so taylor momsen.

WeShop said...

The suspender tights are my faves - love them. xx

Amy said...

Loving those tights, couldn't decide whether to buy some today; but they were purple so I didn't. I really like the house ones though :)

young-shields said...

Great collage, I so want a pair of those tights. x

ediot said...

i L O V E henry holland tights.. ive got both the alphabet ones and the fake suspendor ones. and i get so much compliments when wearing those.
hope youve had a wonderful weekend. what have you been doing darling?

xx ediot

Style, She Wrote said...

The faux thigh-highs are our favorite! Sexy post. ;)

XO ssw

Anonymous said...

i sooo need a pair.

j3nhow said...

ive just ordered the suspender tights from Asos!!!! they look so sexy under shorts!!! btw im totally digging ur shoes in ur prveious post!

xoxo jenna

Mina said...

Stocking! Must have!

Emma Hoareau said...


Nedda Ebo said...

ho damn, these tights are off the chainnnnnnnnnnnnn. I'm in love.

Mustart x

Lis-x- said...

Suspender tights are adorable.Dang, I need some. Great blog by the way, I'm just about to become a follower, then I can snoop through your old posts later on!=)

Lis xXx

Off The Wardrobe

Coerlly said...

love ur collection ;) xoxo

jazmine rocks @ jazzabelle's diary said...

i adore your collage and i LOVE the mock stock tights. i bought them about a month ago - i just couldn't resist!

here's some pictures of me in them! love, jazzabelle :)

letterstobetsy said...

those tights are so neat! what a very interesting collage!

Louise said...

I want the alphabet tights so badly it hurts!

Biana said...

Oehhh these tights are super hottt!!

daisychain said...

I need these in my life

TheStreetFashion5xpro said...

Gorgeous post!!!


Hi there. The cross ring was from Forever 21 but they sold out a long time ago. I heard there are some on eBay though. Might try there?

Grumpy old man said...

Hi, you might be short and annoying, but your blog is fabulous. My first time here, and I love, love your pics.
You have great style, so I just have to follow you... :-)

Hope your week starts off well.
Take care.

Leah said...

Love the collection... fabulous! xoxo

Hélène Heath said...

Ain't nothing like a sexy pair of patterned tights ;)


Anonymous said...

omg really realyl love half of those tights! <3

Clare said...

This collage of tights is making me wanna go and shop so badly!

Tiffany Kadani said...

I love them all! Makes me want to wear a dress and strut my stuff at a party.

Matthew Spade said...

all girls should wear tight FULL STOP

Unknown said...

i love the way you've put them all together!

High street + Couture =

Fashion Court said...

those are so awesome!

jennine said...

these tights are sexy!
i just wish they could come in non-running...else i'd have millions of pairs.


oh my,, how i love and want them all

Wrecked Stellar said...

OMG, I love those alphabet tights!!

Lauretha Sudjono said...

awesome tights. <3333

Unknown said...

loving all those tights x

ULY&CASE said...

love them1 rad post!

followed =D
come check mine out


Christina Lee said...

the alphabet tights are RAD!

Margaret said...

eeeeeee. want all those tights. :O
and thanks for the super sweet words - absolutely made my day!

Unknown said...

So fabulous! I love it all xoxo

Laura said...

NIce post and pictures...

Bisous Natasha said...

I have that very pair on the topleft hand corner. Gonna try to wear them when I am in Moscow !

vint junky said...

Love this collage


Winnie said...

Love the inspiration collage. HoH does the best tights.

Anonymous said...

I heart Holland tights,

Anonymous said...

I heart Holland tights,

Cecilie said...

damn cool site!

ediot said...

hello darling. the tee is up in my shop. but in that exact shape its sold out in s-m. only large left- but theyre rather small per size..
if youre interested-just let me know.

the swallow top is by gina tricot- swedish low budget store- its 18 dollars ca.
have a wonderful week darling
xx ediot

chauss said...

great pix!
thanks for stopping by my blog.
come visit anytime.
xo chauss

WendyB said...

The tights are the best things he's come up with. I love them.

Nubiasnonsense said...

I love the tights he's great.. Cool collage

Ale. said...

Thanks for visiting & commenting on my blog sweetie!

Yours is just RAD, I love it!


Margaret said...

I do indeedy!

OB said...

i need those tights in my life!!! I love the layout btw

M said...

tnx for visiting! (you landed on the spanish version btw)
my fave are the fake suspenders

Brooke said...

Love them! Your blog is great :)

Unknown said...

I've been going back and forth on whether to buy the suspenders. I'm thinking yes!

xx FujiFiles

emily said...

loveloveLOVE, especially the pair that looks like it has garters!

H A N N A H . M A Y . R O S E . † said...

love themmmm! I spent two hours chatting to henry holland the other day - he's so so lovely! & so funny!



Mindey said...

Awesome tights & stunning collection!!
I also adore your blog & great collages you've made here. Super cool!

Serina said...

Thanks for the comment! I will post if I buy them ;)

Following by the way,

Serina x

Rebecca said...

I like the suspender style ones best, got to love House of Holland!

Phuong said...

gorgeous tights! love the brand!

Jess said...

TOTALLY crushing on those house patterned ones.

Beauty Standard Blog said...

i'm always too afraid to wear patterned tights, and then i see other people rocking them and think how much of a fool i am for not giving them a try. sigh.
of course my favorites are the ones with the suspenders.

Giovanna said...

Oh this is a lovely post! Love those tights!!
I’d like to invite you to participate on a great giveaway! Visit me for details!

Little_Vik said...

i adore Henry Holland! at the moment his tights are just £10 on herviabazzar website!

he is one genius!

your blog is so pretty the composition of your pictures and your layout is ace!

Denisa L said...

lovin' the alphabet ones:x

michelle_ said...

i really really really love it !

cheers for the nice comments :)
have a great TGIF !

LA said...

Love the first ones, I saw em on my bloggers and I would die to have a pair of them!

Ah! love your lace top darling!


Rosella said...

ma ciao! mi fa piacere tu sia passata su Dirty Boots! trovo il tuo blog mooolto carino, e poi diooo quelle scarpe miu miu style sono fantastiche!!!
Ti seguo!

Anonymous said...

love this little blog of yours !! i'm in awe, for reals. I studie italian in uni too!! miss it sooo much..not much in the way of real italian culture in canada...but awells..

neways, just wanted to drop a note to say hello. you've been bookmarked lovely. keep it up!


Unknown said...

I love HH tights, particularly the suspenders style ones.... not entirely sure if I'd wear it with the bum out though lol.

Loving your blog, as always :)

Claire @ Jazzpad

glee said...

i love the middle tights with letters. Great collage girl. :)

Debbie said...

Those tights are amazing, I seriously want them all.. and the shoes..

Unknown said...

I want the thigh highs! I own quite a few of his pairs, but they all seem to ladder, though that won't stop me.

Unknown said...

i'm not a tights person and even i'm lusting after this collection!

High street + Couture =

Tanvi said...

Some how all tights some how tear on me ... Makes me feel FAT :( ... May be I need to buy better quality. But I got mine from Asos and they didn't even last a single wear! ... I am sad :( ... You look fabulous though!!!

Alysha said...

i love your tights..i have to get them!
such a cool blog will definitely be following!

Lisa Lisa Lisa said...

I am loving the exposed garter look! I always wanted to do it, but being in a very conservative area, I was likely to be arrested for working haha. Great post!

Valerie said...

The alphabet tights are my favorite. I love your striped top.


Anonymous said...

Hey, I didn't know your blog but I love it! I featured the Henry Holland hoisery on my blog as well, they're uber-cute!