Thursday, 6 May 2010

Miu Miu Satin Platform Lookie Likies

Photobucket  Top: American Apparel, Skirt: h&m, Shorts: h&m, Necklaces: eBay, Shoes: iOffer

So I received these lovelies through the post recently. I mentioned them in a previous post. I have no idea who made them or where they are from but I love them :)
I even prefer them to the Miu Miu ones a bit. hehe


iliketweet said...

Those shoes are amaaaaazing....

tweet tweet tweet


Bunny Darke said...

Gorgeous outfit! You look fab x

Anonymous said...

hun the whole outfit is fab. love the shoes and the lace top. x

Leah said...

The shoes is gorgeous... I love it. xoxo

letterstobetsy said...

great shoes! the pictures are adorable!

Unknown said...

hot DAMN i love those shoes - wish you knew where too! X

Debbie said...

Wooow, they look exactly the same! Thank the gods for knock-offs... but these are like the holy grail of knock offs (seriously, they're awesome). Love the lace top too :)

OB said...

thanks for visiting doll, your page is also amazing! Ilove it! FOLLOWING!

ps. my real name is Adela, funny huh lol <3

Tiffany Kadani said...

Yes! And they will be cute with everything!

Alicia Lund said...

wow, super cute! they look so similar to the miu miu's!! :)

Anonymous said...

such a cute outfit, love the shoes! and omg have you seen the pearl pair of miu mius? the most beautiful thing ever!

Paint it Black said...

Thank you for stopping by my blog hun and for your comment.

Those shoes are super gorgeous and the AA lace top looks awesome on you xoxo

The High Heel Times said...

You got it as well! You're now officially prepared for the summer! Excellent choice!
The whole outfit looks good, keep it up!

Zuzi said...

those shoes look great!!

Nuheila said...

Amazing shoes!Loving your outfit:D


Fashion Court said...

LOVE your shoes! they're perfect!

Clare said...

Wow, they're really accurate! Gosh, I would wear them to death. They would go with everything.
Clare x

Sephira said...

You are gorgeous! And so are those shoes!! I want more rings on you with that outfit tho. Dunno why i think thats missing :D

Sephira said...

Oh and I am now following your blog on bloglovin' woohoo :D

Winnie said...

Wow, I'm impressed, those shoes are soooo Miu Miu worthy. Nice!

Audrey Allure said...

Gorgeous heels!

Anonymous said...

Hi sweets, it's me again. you have something to pick up on my blog, hurry make your way over :) xxx

Johanna Urban said...

Lovley outfit! And the shoes are :D !!


Biana said...

Hi, thanks for your sweet comment. Youé shoes are absolutely hot hot hot

daisychain said...

Ohhhhh seriously loving those shoes

Zizi said...

those shoes are so cute :)

Gave you an award on my blog...check it out :)


WeShop said...

Great shoes - you look so cute in these poses! Will follow you luv.

Jess said...

LOVE your top! You look so cute!

WendyB said...

I'm starting to love shorts with heels.

Becca. said...

you look beautiful alice!
and buy it next week!
(the company are sorting out an exclusive discount code for my readers! it will save you money!)
thankyou for the comment on my blog :)


cathy. said...

LOVE the shoes :)

stop by some time.

M said...

lucky find those shoes are fab!

Becca. said...

sorry my mind was elsewhere!
you look beautiful ADELE!
and the link is here:


emily said...

loooove the shoes, i want them badly now.

Matthew Spade said...

they have major inches

glee said...

lovely platforms. I wonder though if they're not hot for the toes?

Unknown said...

oh those shoes are fierece! i'm looking your bedroom walls too x

High street + Couture =

Reena Rai said...

Love, love your outfit! Those shoes are amazing

Anonymous said...

You're lucky to got it even if it's not the real ones. There're awesome !

mamaino said...

love your bedroom! and love your blog! ;)

Nedda Ebo said...

Those shoes are great! They are just as cute as the Miu Miu's. And you have such a cute bedroom! :)

Mustart x

Karoline said...

Great outfit, and your shoes are amazing!

Margaret said...

ooooh i cannot even BEGIN to tell you how awesome i think those shoes are :D
glad you liked the post! the CEO of fashion foundation australia contacted me in february and asked if i'd be interested. :) xx

Contact said...

these look exactly like the Miu Miu shoes! i love them <33 thank you for the comment, it made my day. love your blog. i want to visit europe very soon, i cant imagine living there.. seems simply wonderful : )

Josie said...

Those shoes are SO crazy-gorgeous! Absolutely beautiful. And you look great!
xxoo Josie

miss a said...

I like it!!
Wanna exchange link with me??
Mail me :

Ice Creamy World

Rosanna said...

oh wow. i'm in love with your shoes!

discotheque confusion said...

my word, these shoes are insane, and so like the real thing! how lucky you are! good luck with all of your exams, by the way.

Anonymous said...

Top= gorgeous.. shoes= perfection! love it all!

Unknown said...

love love this outfit xxxx

Clare said...

Your blog is just the cuuuutest!! Love this look

ediot said...

you look lovely. cute outfit!

xx ediot

Sabo Skirt said...

Those shoes look so similar! Wow. They are so hot.

Come check out our new fashion blog if you like =)


Anna Leo said...

You're so nice :O


Velvet Kingdom said...

I love your shirt! You look lovely :)
Great blog, by the way!

bollywoodstylediaries said...

love ur lace top!! and the shoes are to die for!!

Maddy said...

great outfit! love the look of the lace top and chunky heels! And you have the great legs to pull off the mini skirt! Work it :)

t said...

You look really cute!

Neekoh said...

Wow, they're great!! They absolutely look like the Miu Mius! And I'm loving your lace top :D


The Daily Cake said...

I LOVE these shoes!! What a fantastic find :)

Whispering Swallow said...

Amazing outfit, those shoes are incredible!

xoxo Kayla

Gemma said...

I love you outfit ♥ expecially the top and the shoes

Cheap is Chic

Rachel @ The Haute Notes said...

I'm in love with that top and the heels are fabulous!

Paulina said...

Those shoes are cute! And you look fabulous! The first shot is my favorite.

Shawna said...

I like your shoes but I must say I LOVE your top even more! Your so cute in your pictures! :-)

Anonymous said...

Love them! They look amazing!

NLR said...

Fabulous outfit! The heels are beautiful ;-)

Armonia said...

Amo this shoes!

Visit my blog,i'm italian!:)

Christina Caradona said...

wow those shoes are amazing...

Denisa L said...

omg they are identical, I taught they are Miu Miu's first!! love them:)

yvonen s. said...

Are they comfortable? I'm looking at the same ones but they are still quite pricey so I'm curious!

goodbyestockholm said...

been looking at them at ioffer for quite awhile now. how is the quality? do they run true to size? look amazing on you!

Alysha said...

thanks for the comment!
really cool blog!

Jessica said...

Beautiful outfit! I love your shoes - they are a great substitute for the Miu Miu version!

Couture Carrie said...

Gorgeous shoes, darling!


Jolly Josi said...

Gorgeous outfit !

ari said...

great find ... the shoes are amazing!!

Eli said...

Oh... such a nice blog! I've found it now...
And I really like your style!!!!

Sybil said...

been trying to find miu-miu-esque shoes like those! aaah!! lovely! :D

Animated Confessions