Designers Sophie & Louie describe their store as “an incredible, breathtaking, fashion filled accessory store that will knock your socks off” and I couldn’t agree more! Their Gossip Girl inspired head pieces are of genius and I actually have that oversized black bow headband in the first image, now I want to share their store with you!
They strive to design the trendiest fashion accessories for you to rock around in, so make sure to check around! And with a realistic international shipping rate its convenient for all my readers!
- Comment this post with your name and email address*
- Follow both FunnyPeopleCo & MoltoCuriosa on facebook (click the names)*
- Follow me on Bloglovin'
(I am watching this count so make sure you follow!) *
- For extra entries follow both @funnypeopleco and me @adelejoanna on twitter
- An extra entry for tweeting this giveaway or including it on your blog!
(make sure you mention if you are already following on twitter as I will add an extra entry for you and make sure to include your twitter username in the comment if your a new follower so I can count your extra entry)
The winner will be picked at random before next weekend and then you will be asked to choose your favourite item from the store and it will be sent to you ASAP.To help you choose I thought I would post my favourite items:

Wow so SO pretty - totally jumping on this one. Just the type of thing I'd love to wear. Can be a statement piece at the next event I go to!
Please enter meee :)
lots of love x
Ps - your facebook link is going to your personal page and not the moltocuriosa page? I added you earlier today on facebook :)
But just for other people you might want to change it?! x
twittername :mangopenguin1203
these headbands are so adorable!
how ace! comps galore on the moment in blog world, i'm doing one next week. this isn;t a proper entry as it's a girl comp but hope all goes well!
Nice idea!
I love this one
"Gossip Girl Inspired - Blair's Love at Sea - The Nautical Headband"
I hope I will win! :D
Those hairbands are beautiful!
Yay for first giveaways! I love it! Count me in :) I'll even tweet about it :D
YES, YES, YES! I consider headbands a staple to my everyday outfit, and this are marvelous. :D
Email: the.antarctica@gmail.com
twittername: SheM91
Love the headband in the middle! :)
xx miss anonymous.
So, so pretty! I love these pieces :)
tweet tweet tweet
love ur blog
u have amazing posts
I love their things, they are gorgeous! And the headband you picked out Adele to the left is so cute!
I've of course followed FunnyPeopleCo to help them out :>
oh right I should add: sephira@sephira.dk
Such a beautiful headbands:)Have a wonderful weekend my dear and see you soon:) I love your posts so much:)
Comment double dipping into this post haha. You got a blog award from moi :)
xx miss anonymous.
ok girl ti seguo su facebook e bloglovin (ma ti seguo anche su google, vale?) e seguo funnypeople su fb. spero di vincere ^_^
I've been so behind on people's comments!! Thanks for visiting my blog, I really appreciate it! This looks like a fantastic giveaway, I will enter! I've followed you on Bloglovin' and will follow you on twitter in a mo.
My email is: notjustmedical@googlemail.com
wow wow wow. those hairpieces are so cute! i love them!
im following both on twitter and facebook, following you on bloglovin and ive tweeted your giveaway! :)
twitter: @melissamam_
email: melissam312@hotmail.co.uk
+thanks for your sweet comment, im a big fan of your blog too :)
I just discovered your blog and I really love your stye!
xx fesi-fashion
Awesome giveaway! I love headbands...<3
I'm following on facebook + on bloglovin for your blog.
email: the_thriftstore@hotmail.com
Beautiful girl! Thankyou for the comments, aaaw these are beautiful headpieces. It's one of my best friend's birthdays in a couple of weeks so if I won I think I'd ask her to choose one :)
I'm a follower, as well you know, I've tweeted, and I'm going to be creating an 'other blog giveaway' panel on the sidebar to steer people towards here.
♥ Claire @ Jazzpad
wow, the headpieces are gorgeous! such a brilliant giveaway :)
i've "liked" both pages of facebook and am following you on bloglovin' as well :)
WOW, I so have to check out their shop. AMAZING
I love the accessories. Great blog sweetie, I'm following you
asjksadhjsa they're all amazing. might have to buy some anyway! :D
i'm following you and funnypeopleco on both facebook and twitter, and i shall tweet the comp sooonio :) (don't worry i'll mention you so you'll get it)
my name: shabna zaheer
email address: shabnazaheer@hotmail.com
love these headbands <3
brigitte flick
already following on twitter: brigitteee06
great giveaway darling- unfortunately im not going to participate- i try keeping facebook personal and not add so many things to my profile- its alot already as it is..
hope youve had a wonderful weekend.
take care
you know im following you via bloglovin
and now twitter too.
about my blog- its so strange- let me know when you can enter-
im really upset that i cant get any answers as to why its closed. a lot others have told me they cant enter either..
take care
xx ediot
count me in please!!!! :))
Eliza (mirrordiaries@gmail.com)
Charlotte Jay
:) :) What an amazing giveaway !!!
Char x
Oh I love this store love it! I will definitely be following you to enter this AMAZING giveaway!!
great blog babe.
Love the headbands you chose!
twitter: ktang88
<3 Kelly
I luv ur blog!!
C my latest post in HERE and win lots of FREE GIFTS in HERE
Ice Creamy World
Twitter : caramel_manda
Want to exchange link? Email me : icecreamyworld@gmail.com
trying my luck, gorgeous girl :)
blablafairies@gmail.com xx
I want to win gossip-blair's turban headband
following your twitter (veren_lee)
Totally entering this!
Name: Sarah
email: hawleysarah1@yahoo.co.uk
Oops meant to add that I already follow you on twitter!
Wow! Love the first look!
Such great headbands!
missaudreyallure@gmail.com :)
- Audrey Allure.
I love that yellow knot headband!!
maireloves at gmail dot com
I also follow you on Twitter! @audreyallure
wow a giveaway!! nice :) well, you know I'm already following you, but I'll have to go check out that etsy store. lovely idea!!
Congrats on your first giveaway!
Love your blog!
You have noe a ner spanish follower!Hope that you follow me too!=)
Love, Paula.
I want to be entered. I think I did everything I need to do to be entered. Thanks for your comment on my blog. I'm really happy that you like what I do there.
cool post her!
lovely blog:))
keep in touch sweetheart!
McKenzie Truman
Followed on Facebook
Followed on Bloglovin
Followed you on twitter @mckenzietruman
Love Gossip Blair Black and White Headband. And pretty much everything. :)
Hi dear!!! Thanks for visiting my blog!
I really like this giveaway so...
My name: Chiara
My mail: chiaradeanna@hotmail.it
I totally love this post. Rad pics:0
Sorry, for the laaaate reply, thanks so much..
This is an amazing oppourtnity.. thanks
@msstitches following and tweeted
looks like a great giveaway! love those headbands. Also i got your comment, i think ill be going to the wildfox sample sale on the 3rd? Assuming thats the saturday one. Sounds good meeting you there (:
I love the bow hair bands..reminds me of Alice in wonderland:-)
These accessories are gorgeous, I love them! I'm following you on bloglovin and my email is inspirationsinitaly@gmail.com! :)
Ooh! Count me in! I love this one!
lyndadawinda1074 at yahoo dot com
I Follow both FunnyPeopleCo & MoltoCuriosa on facebook. ID: Lynda Castillo
lyndadawinda1074 at yahoo dot com
Such a cute giveaway!! I'd love get all three of them if I could! xxoxoxoxoxoo
What a fabulous giveaway! Sadly I don't have bloglovin', so I don't think I apply. But I'm still checking them out anyway! Those headbands are gorgeous.
Ah and I adore your maxi dress below!!
What a fab giveaway. Please enter me! xx Sarahfglasgow@hotmail.com
Enter me please! Following both on twitter (@fisiwoman) and following on FB (Ana Belén R M)
Tweeted: http://twitter.com/fisiwoman/statuses/16723488027
Ana Belén R.M
So beautiful! I love that white lacy one with the black in the middle. Thanks for letting me know about the giveaway.
So many pretty headbands!! Can't decide which I like best :)
Email: maddy@themaddychronicles.com
What great headbands! Pick me, pick me! <3
So adorable!!
I'm following you and my email is: giovanna.fashiondesign(at)gmail.com
they sell some realy nice things! on my way to check out their stuff now. Im following you on blogspot! i don't use facebook of bloglovin though :(
pretty pretty stuff! count me in!
i did everything except twitter cause i don't use it haha
everything´s done,i follow you everywhere on facebook,twitter and bloglovin´
and here is a tweet about your giveaway http://twitter.com/xSophie_x
Sophie sophiie.ann@gmail.com
great giveaway
Enter me
aweeeesome! : )
enter me!
emily ma
tweeted at http://twitter.com/emilysdiary
and followed :)
aaahh i want to really win this!! that headpiece with the lace bow is a stunner!! :D
So pretty!
I really like the pics! nice shoes and rings!
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best regards from Sweden
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