So today is the day us 10 girls introduce you to our up and coming project. We are ten fashion bloggers from throughout the UK who have come together to share our different styles, shapes and creativity in order to start this project. We will all be styling the same item of clothing and comparing how we all wear them. Its a very exciting project!
Let me introduce you to the rest of the gang!
Jen from http://littlebirdfashion.blogspot.com/
MJ from http://dreamingspiresandoldcartyres.blogspot.com/
Sherin from http://www.thehifashionsite.com/
Leia from http://www.leiasdelights.com/
Vicki from http://magpie-girl.blogspot.com/
Saskia from http://notjustmedical.wordpress.com/
Shini from http://www.parkandcube.com
Sabine from http://psynopsis-english.blogspot.com
Sarah from http://www.weshopthereforeweare.co.uk/
MJ from http://dreamingspiresandoldcartyres.blogspot.com/
Sherin from http://www.thehifashionsite.com/
Leia from http://www.leiasdelights.com/
Vicki from http://magpie-girl.blogspot.com/
Saskia from http://notjustmedical.wordpress.com/
Shini from http://www.parkandcube.com
Sabine from http://psynopsis-english.blogspot.com
Sarah from http://www.weshopthereforeweare.co.uk/
We are all very excited to get started and due to holidays the first post will be mid August!
So tonight I am travelling to Liverpool as I have a plane tomorrow at 6am so we are staying over night… Spending 2 weeks in Sicily with my family and the boyfriend I am very excited! HOWEVER, although I have a house over there and many family members I won’t be blogging regularly for a few weeks… Ill have some posts scheduled to keep you entertained. How am I going to live for 2 weeks with the joys of twitter at my finger tips! & how I will miss Big Brother!
See you (properly) in 2 weeks!!
ah what a neat project to be working on. have a super holiday and thanks for the headband, it arrived the other day!
This such a good idea I will look forward to seeing how you guys style each item xoxo
mi piace tantissimo quest'idea!! soprattutto conosco poche bloggers inglesi e questo รจ un modo per rimediare :)
have wonderful travelling to liverpool. aw envy you. btw, ar you have linked me on your blog?
sounds great x
Sounds like so much fun! I am now following you, follow me?
xo Lynzy
This sounds like such an awesome project. I can't wait to see where it goes.
what amazing project. Can't wait to see more...
Dena x
How exciting!! I see you have one of my favorite girls on your team...Sabine!! Can't wait to see what you girls come up with :)
Have an amazing holiday, love sicily!
Beautiful ladies with amazing style! Have fun on your trip!!
this is so exciting! can't wait to see more of the project
thanks for your lovely comment :)
i'm seeing this around and excited to see how it turns out :)
Sound interesting, I'm excited to see the results as well! Have a great time!
hi lovely. i love the post. and especially the idea of that new project you got going. cant wait too see!
have a fantastic time in sicily! im hopefully doing that same thing in september. my father turned 60 so we're supposed to go to italy every familymember- and theyre loved ones.. hope it goes according to plans- its always hard when youre that many..
take care and i hope youre enjoying summer sweetie ;)
Yay, Adele, our coming out! Hope you have a great time in Sicily (your own house, wow!) I'm going to Tuscany end of the week - oh joy! xoxo
Have a wonderful holiday! xx
I hope you have fun in Sicily
this sounds so cool, cant wait!
oohh this looks like fun! can't wait what you girls got for us! and have a great time in sicily!
Congrats! I'll be following this for sure :)
I'm so excited to see how you all style the item. I've seen this done before with a jacket although I think it was only 6 bloggers.
Have fun on you trip! You updates will be missed.
Hi dear! Thanks for dropping by a comment on my blog, and have a nice trip! Im very excited to see how ur project starts ;)XO,BarbieJunk
Really looking forward to this!
What a fun Idea, this sounds amazing! I can't wait to see what you all come up with :)
that sounds like a great project! i cant wait to see what outfits you come up with!
The project sounds amazing!
Have fun in Liverpool!
Happy holidays darling! :) Have a fabby time :) ♥ Claire @ Jazzpad
omg i wanna be in this project! hahah
sounds really cool
and have fun in sicily you lucky duck :)
Have an absolutely beautiful time!!!
Rianna xxx
Great idea ! !
Love this post ! !
Adele, I know you are gone already and I'm also nearly on my way. Just came back to say I left you a little tag in my post today. It doesn't even come with extra work ;-)
Wishing you lots of sunshine and fun!
I just love the idea of this project, can't wait to see how it pans out xx
great post!
love it !
What a great project! Have a fun holiday and I look forward to hearing more from you :)
oh goodness!
such an awesome idea!
i can't wait to follow :D:D
xx, christen
It sounds very interesting! Im looking forward to see it all :>
xoxo Seph
Brilliant idea!!!!!
cant wait to see all the posts from this! just come across your blog, its greattt!
have a lovely holiday!
Christian Louboutin top footwear brands into multiple growth in sales last year, privately-owned 500 pairs of shoes for women over the brand around 3000. Long list of fans include Victoria Beckham, Jennifer Aniston, and many other female stars. However, the "red clogs" the most loyal customers comes as the U.S. best-selling author Danielle Steel, and learned that she has more than 6,000 pairs of Christian Louboutin shoes.
September 2010 applied for a trademark, the purpose is to protect its brand scarlet soles designed not been copied. "The bright red soles is used to tell you, this pair of shoes that I designed. Wearing the shoes of the woman is more able to attract the attention of men." Christian Louboutin President in the United States Trademark Office, said applications have it. Christian Louboutin red sole design of this sign was born in 1992, when, Christian Louboutin shoes President try to use nail polish on the shoe department.
Oh thats a great idea, cant wait to see the posts you's make
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