Living in Nottingham, I have to confess I do own many clothes from the infamous Jack Wills, however I have to deal with the connotations that come with shopping there… I can not help but love some of their over priced items. Luckily there is an American Apparel next door to Jack Wills which tends to get the pleasure of my attendance more often.
How do you guys feel about shopping in Jack Wills?
& is it fair to be stereotyped for the shops you choose to shop in?
& is it fair to be stereotyped for the shops you choose to shop in?
A few people have commented that they aren't familiar with Jack Wills, or the stereotype... here's a quote from wikipedia that will clear things up (if your interested)
The label has also developed a negative connotation within some state schools; its pricing strategy and ethos of traditional British heritage the company uses to promote itself, such as varsity polo, has led to many students in state schooling deeming the label to only be worn by those from public schooling and the stereotype associated with such students. Wikipedia - Jack Wills

You look amazing in this outfit, absolutely love it :)
My views on Jack Wills are that individual items worn with other clothes look amazing, I think that the 'Jack Wills' look is just there to imitate which is something I dont like.
But you do look amazing :)
That skirt with the jumper is just amazing!
Char x
love the outfit. Yes I hate when people try to put you in a box when you say you shop somewhere, I love really weird stuff so I shop everywhere I love camden and I find when I get something from primark ...people are like oh but that's mass produced. I think they forget that so is Topshop etc ....
Anyway cute blog xxx
Love the sweater and skirt combination. I don't know jack willis, but i always think you just have to take things out of the contex of the store and make them your own. But i think your outfit looks so good!
Cute outfit!
I am not familiar with Jack Wills. Perhaps I should visit Nottingham soon!
This is so cute, i love it :)
cute,always dear.i'm in love with the floral skirt.
you absolutely amazing.
i know exactly what you mean! some say it's 'snobby' to shop there, but then i reckon that those who judge people because of where they shop (rather than what they buy) are just as bad. lovely outfit :)
i dont think you are where you shop but (in a stylist point of view) i do think you are what you buy and you seem to buy cute chic things
I love this outfit!
Really cute outfit Doll. Love the up close pics for the detail! xoxo
ooooh looking pretty (:
to be honest, as long as you look good & feel good in whatever brand you're wearing i don't think it matters what other people say.
I do like their clothes, but damn, they are pricey. You look just lovely in this gorgeous outfit (no matter where it's from). xo
such a pretty print on the skirt :) x
I love this outfit! The skirt is so romantic ♥ kisses!
I don't actually know what the stereotype is? But I do believe that you can wear anything from anywhere and make it your own...sometimes you can suprise people when you say it's from a certain label!
I shop in jack wills regularly, people are always saying degrading things about it. Yes I like to spend a ridiculous amount of money on a nice item but also shop at topshop and vintage stores.
You look adorable in this outfit. I'm not familiar w/Jack Wills, but here's the thing with any retailer/brand...if you like it - mix it in and create your own style. Who cares what anyone says?
Your style is a reflection of you and, like you said, you're also finding treasures at American Apparel!
I think it's all a bit silly to typecast people into roles and identities just because they choose to shop in one store over another. Then again, every store has an image they strive to project so... we kind of buy into that image if we choose to shop there, even if only for that one shopping trip.
I love this look the floral skirt is precious. And I love it paired with the oxfords. always a great combo!
I've never heart of that shop, but I like the pics
Well, I've never heard of it, but I quite like it!! Obviously not all together, but mix and matched into a wardrobe, I don't see why you should be ashamed of wearing the items!
I love the volume of your skirt! it goes so well with the sweater...I dream of an outfit like this for fall <3
I think people can shop where they like.
this outfit is a dream!
the first time i went into JW (when i had no idea about the brand) i thought it was so sweet and like an english version of abercrombie. but then during my undergrad it became instantly apparent that a certain kind of person wore the brand in a certain kind of way. boys with flipflops and sweatpants sagging in the middle of winter... etc. you know the stereotype. i don't think the brand as such is bad and they've got some good pieces. but they have definitely played up to the stereotype. plus, i think it's overpriced. yah, basically i'm not a fan. xx
p.s. but i am a big fan of your blog. have just discovered it and it's great.
Just knew him from you. . I didn't know him before
Amanda "Creamy" Apriani
I love how your pictures have a super cool and chill vibe to them. they feel really advertisementy too. :)
jack wills? sounds cool & looks cool!
haha. yeh, american apparel is more money friendly.
I'm assuming Jack Wills is the equivalent of Abercrombie & Fitch in the U.S.? [Please correct me if I'm wrong]
i think jack wills has some great items. and i super love that sweater! :]
LOVE LOVE this outfit!!! The floral print and solid go great together!!
Such a cute outfit. I love this combination.
Oh that line looks so amazing.
super cute outfit! I'm lovin' the images! :)
Jennifer & Sherry
really a cute outfit. like it =)
you look gorgeous and i think jack wills is fine for anyone to wear!
loves it!amazing!
you look so adorable ;) xx,barbiejunk
Love this outfit! I used to buy loads of JW pieces but I got fed up of people judging me just for wearing it! I didn't buy it because it was JW, I bought it because I liked it..! I still buy the occasional piece though as they do do some lovely pieces and they're usually really good quality! Millie xxx
You look gorgeous. I love the skirt!
I love the sweater. x
Wow very nice look and pics in this post...I like it...
I love the outfit, you look so cute.
Mia Bbook
love the skirt + sweater combo :) you look adorable
Love the floral skirt, you look beautiful! I hope you have a fabulous weekend!
Me and my friends call Jack Wills - 'scum of the earth', BUT IS THAT ASH STYMEST HIDING IN THE CORNER!!! My love wears it, so I better wear it too. haha. You look lovely. + Thanks for the comment, and I just did a new post if you wanted to check it out. panda xxx
Hahaha I take back (most of) everything I said about JW, this is a lovely look. It's quite preppy (and are those hair extensions I spy?!) but I'm still a keen AA fan over :) Loving their denim jumpsuits at the moment... sigh hello student loan!
Let's make a date soon, yeah?
♥ Claire @ Jazzpad
great outfit, you look amazing!
I just found your blog!
I LOVE it, new follower now
Lovely outfit, love the skirt, You have a very nice blog too!
goddd youre so gorgeous.
i love this outfit.
i love your style so much.<3
lovely pictures !
and i love your skirt.
I adore this outfit! And I had never heard of Jack Wills before, so thanks for telling us about it :)
♥ Leia
oooh i really don't like jack wills! for me, it's like abercrombie and hollister. the clothes are all the same with their brand name on. you do wear it nicely though i have to say!
Vintage Stop at
wow i love this outfit so much!
Blending Style, Beauty and Fashion
I love thesse photos adele and as i took them makes them even better lool xxx
You look amazing with that hair and I love your sweater :D
Anna - sheisAGNIE!
That is the sweetest outfit! x
such a lovely blog you have =) your floral skirt is wonderful.
Well, unfortunately I am one of those judging people of Jack Wills. But that's only because I know people at uni who judge you if you DON'T wear Jack Wills, so I've never felt myself eager to buy anything from the brand.
Regardless, I don't like to completely boycott anything because I do like the items in Jack Wills (like yours), but it is way too overpriced for me!
lovely skirt !!
nice outfit ;)
adele! you're amazing! like a sunset with a glass of champagne. that amazing. keep it up.
u look so nice in your outfit!!!! great post
Jack Wills has a hugh following where I live but I have to say I am not a Jack Wills kind of girl and never go in there I dont think it is being a sterotype but if they stock you style of clothes. Now AA is a different story just wish we had one where i live great post xoxo
Great outfit!
You look great in the pic. I'm not really a fan of this label - do associate it with what rich kids at certain unis (like Edinburgh, where I'm from) would wear. xx
great look
love it
I love your style, girl. THis look is totally Fall perfection, you look beautiful!
i LOVE those shoes! im always on the hunt for cool flats!
Wow, I really like your blog!
Check out mine and have a look at my giveaway for this month!
You AND your blog are stinkin adorable!!! Glad I found it:-)
amazing pictures!!
The look is really cute on you :)
you look so cute!
Amazing outfit, I love it:)
very cute, and I really like your hair :)
love the contrast between the floral skirt, and the chinky knit sweater, very unexpected, great combo.
i just hyped u up as well :)
you look absolutely amazing in this outfit !
the skirt is soooo cute :)
nice photos too :)
take care and have a good weekend !
Love the outfit!
stunning pics!
Come follow me:
Cute look! I love the colours in your skirt xxx
love that outfit. you look ABSOlutelY fantastic- so cute!
i just posted the photos now-- pretty imageheavy post..
hope you had a wonderful weekend love
thx for the sweet response!and I'd love to see ur new updates ;)xx,barbiejunk
hey! great blog, we like it :) if you like our blog follow us! =)
very lovely look! hadn't heard for the shop before - is it an typically english shop?
I love your clothes! The photos are awesome. You have a lot of style! Love Love Love
I like individual pieces from Jack Wills, but the whole 'look and lifestyle' thing isn't really me!
love the skirt!
you look cute in the pics :)
Jess from Taiwan.
I don't have anything against the clothes themselves (although some look pretty ridiculous - what is the big deal about having a hoody with WILLS on the back, really?) but the only qualm I have is what they represent. Yes, I understand that people shouldn't be stereotyped, but trust me, spending the past year as part of my local youth theatre has made me have a passionate hate for the brand. But even my sister owns something from there so it's nothing personal!
(Posted the same message twice accidently)
Just to add, I saw someone say earlier that "yes I enjoy spending lots of money on jack wills, but I also shop at topshop"
Topshop prices aren't much of a step down - although I do love alot of the clothes - but most of the rich kids I've met all wear topshop and can afford any of the clothes they want.
i love this outfit! the colours really suit you.
i know what you mean about the 'Jack Wills' label. personally, i love Jack Wills, and I hate it when people judge you for wearing it. surely its your choice what you spend your money on and you shouldn't be judged because of it.
joanna -
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