Saturday, 22 May 2010

Hottest weekend ever?

Good day readers! So I am in the middle of reviewing the American Apparel Nail Lacquers, a few readers asking me how they are so I thought I would take some photos as they chip away and post later in the week!
top; wildfox, shorts; kate moss @ topshop, shoes; converse, sunglasses; ray ban, bag; ioffer
sweater; american apparel, shorts; vintage levi, bag; ioffer

In other news it has been a bleak Friday & Saturday, temperatures reaching an insane 28°C whilst I repressively found ways of keeping cool and revising for an immensely boring cultural studies exam on Monday. However I created reasons to leave the house. I sacked off revision at about 5pm today to drink Pimms in the sun with a friend.
This is what I wore throughout the weekend, any excuse for shorts and sunglasses I say.. these are not the best photos of me. My boyfriend thinks the first photo is hilarious and says it looks like I am going back packing haha! How do you like my new vintage Levi' shorts that I brought from COW  a while back?



Sephira said...

You look beautiful on both pictures! And you are slim or however you will call it on both pictures! :D

Also I love the top from wildfox

xo Seph

Winnie said...

Love the Wildfox tee!

Anonymous said...

i love both looks! very casual! and ten shorts are really nice, i like them folded up to show the pockets!

please check out my blog!

Tiffany Kadani said...

I love the Chucks! Cute outfit!

Bijou's Style said...

very cute outfit!


Margaret said...

you stunning girl :D that first shot of you is perfect :) xx

Zizi said...

I love your hair :)

Rebecca said...

wow. I am definetly following that review sounds great.
I love your pictures, I love your style.
you're awesome!

Wrecked Stellar said...

Hi lady! Love both looks- yayy for Wildfox- love that t-shirt! xo, mel

Leah said...

Love your outfit... and the nail polish color is just perfect fr wearing jeans. I love it. xoxo

Unknown said...

cute nail polish!

Stephanie said...

great nail polish color!!

Jessica said...

I'm so in love with your lace top in the first photo.

Nedda Ebo said...

I don't usually like gray but that nail polish is nice. And cute outfits!! So borderline 80s haha ♥ I love your hair.

Mustart x

Debbie said...

I love both outfits! Shorts are definitely in order for such hot weather.. I love the lace top (of course) toooooo :)

S.Elisabeth said...

Love the shorts! And psh you're skinny in both of them, jealous!

Stel said...

Both looks are great! Casual and cute for just chilling at the weekend. Love the style of your bag in the second shot too.

eliza said...

Hey girlie!

I really love that wildfox crop top you've got on! So perfect for the heat! It's just as bad here...nearly got sunstroke when I was out shopping today hah!

Thanks for the comments and for taking to time to vote!! I really appreciate it :) Don't worry a second about your pictures btw - you look great in all of them !! As for the linking, i'd love to! If you check my side bar you'll see your already there ;)


Claire said...

you look amazing. seriously.
ALSO, have to blame you for introducing me to ioffer. the amount of fake crap i have bought this week.... x

Anna Leo said...

Oh Adele I love you in the first pics :D You look amazing!


Anonymous said...

really really love that lace top in the frst image!
yesterday was so hot but i was indoors revising, well trying to!
btw, following you on twitter too and also your blog!

Mon Cheri said...

you loook SUPER cool in these pictures!!!
Love converse with denim shorts <3
Also so jealous of your hair !!!
annnnd the 2nd BAG...HOT !!!

I feel your pain of revision and sun not going well together :(
I am constantly trying to find shaded areas too haha

I nooo I said I was doing a post,sorry :( fail on my part, but the imminent property law exam had to come first, however, TODAY will be the day (fingers crossed)

anyway, love this post, do another one NOW ;)


Anonymous said...

Love the last shorts where the pockets stick out, they are hot. let me know how you get on with the nail varnish. have a nice day doll.

Dena x

Zanna said...

I will have my prom next year.. but I´ve been invited :)
In love with the last outfit. :)

FashionJazz said...

U look stunning in both pics! Thank you for your comment : ) Have a lovely Sunday xx

Claudet said...

You look so perfectly and beautiful!
nice blog :)

Karoline said...

Love the 2nd outfit so much! The Wildfox tee is awesome!
Go girl!!

Mila said...

Love this,you look great!

closet obsessions said...

wow that long horn skull tee is killer.

Vivian said...

you look amazing!
i love the laced shirt<3

Audrey Allure said...

Very cute outfit!

Unknown said...

Think I have that colour too! I love the striped tee...

Kb from I Want You To Know

godessunseen101 said...

I have a pair of shorts like that, I love them. A summer essential !
Please Follow:L
Alice H

Denisa L said...

so they do send the bags, I want to get a ps1 and a Alexa from ioffer, can you recomend a seller? ty:)
good luck with your exam, and love your vintage shorts:)

Brooke said...

Love both outfits. It's been insanely hot and humid here too. I've also been living in shorts and sunglasses :)

Matthew Spade said...

it's bloody hot isn't it, shame i'm rubbish at dressing for the summer

Anonymous said...

great post!

Girl let me know what you think of my brand you blog!! :)

xoxo <3 follow

Couture Carrie said...

Love that color and your look!


style said...

you looks hot, lovely shorts looks great

i like you ,

Valerie said...

I love that nail color and your outfit is so cute. I'm so ready for summer here! I've been wearing shorts all week and channeling warm weather. :)


Anonymous said...

I love this ! Denim shorts are basics, i love the way you wear it !
And i love your wings ring

Rafaela Costa said...

Adorei conhecer seu blog.
te seguindo pra saber de tudo q rola por aki.


Becca. said...

beautiful wildfox tee and love the nail polishes and adele i want your camera its gorgeous, what kind is it?


Chicago Chic said...

You are beautiful! Love your blog and I'm following. :)


Anonymous said...

i especially love the first picture.

yvonne said...

Thanks for the lovely comment on my blog and the feedback about the Miu Miu knockoffs! I definitely plan on getting a pair. Can you tell me the username of the iOffer guy you bought them from? I've seen the same ones sold by a lot of guys and I just want to make sure I don't get ripped off by a copycat <3

Oh, and what is the quality of the materials like?

Thanks so much :)

xx yvonne

PS: I love American Apparel nail polish...definitely my favorite brand for polish by far!

Romany said...

No, I disagree, these photos are cute! Love your striped top in the bottom pic, and your lacey top in the first pic. Nice.

Paulina said...

Just picked up a bunch of AA polish during their F&F sale for 30% off! Can't wait to try em.

Cindy Van Dyck said...

Hay dear blogger!
How are you? I'm glad that I've visited this blog! She's lovely.

Please, check mine too & maybe we can follow eachother!
You can also join my GIVEAWAY!
Love, Cindy.

Rachel said...

I LOVE your layout! And you're so good at photo shop by the way, looking at your other posts... I'm so glad I found you via British Style Bloggers!!!

Hélène Heath said...

You look great Adele!! Love all these looks, especially that white lace top :) xxx

ediot said...

hi darling. ah you gotta give the office a chance! its the best show ever!! esp. the us. one.
ah yes indeed it was a hot weekend. gotta love that!! everybody is so much more happy when its sunny and warm.
love that last outfit. want to steal those shorts!

xx ediot

LA said...

Here is my stylist BbM friend!!!! ;)

WOW! I would die for your Wildfox top!! LOVE IT!
Great outfit! Great lace top! Great legs! Great nailpolish! GREAT YOU!! ;)

WOW! Thanks a lot for your vote darling! Ah! About 18:30 I will go out and take a look to Zara, haha!! ;) Keep you tunned!


Clare said...

You are the cutest! I love your style and hair is so so sooo pretty!

Sarah said...

you look awesome- love the outfit! COW is the best vintage store!!

I'm liking the AA nail polish- they have some good colours- i got the mint green. takes a few coats though.. xxx

Lisa Lisa Lisa said...

Such a cute outfit! I really like how casual and chic it is. Fantastic. And nice nail polish =)

julianne. said...

yo are absolutley stunning.<3
these picturesa re amazing.<3

Jessica Weingarten said...

Amazing outfits!
I love those bags :)

Great blog as well, following you now!


WeShop said...

I love the shorts. xx

Unknown said...

loving your outfit x

Josie said...

You look absolutely lovely, doll! Loving the shorts and shoes. And it's been insanely hot here as well; I'm trying to stay in the comfortable air conditioning as much as I can...
xxoo Josie

Bubu said...


Hello Friend, I love love love your blog, it‘s very interesting!!! I really like your style!! i‘ll visit you many times for sure honey.


Mina said...

I love that nail polish color!

The Girl Who Loved To Salsa said...

love ! love ! love ! your blog is simply adorable!!
x x x x

Nubiasnonsense said...

Cute shorts.. I really like the pic of you in the tee.. not nail polish color is awesome also

Maddy said...

You're totally rocking those short shorts!
And btw- I love that bag!!

Fashion Court said...

love both outfits! i've been wondering about those polishes!

Giovanna said...

This is a fabulous post!! I love your outfit!
Thank you so much for the sweet comment on my blog!!

Vicki said...

fabulous outfits!! so hot here too!! love your blog :)
vicki xo

Habin Kim said...

love the outfit, especially the top. im so getting into converses again, cept i wore them in the weekend and it was sooo hot! please let me know how the nail polish is (:

Natasha said...

Cute photos! I love your sweater in the second picture!

Neekoh said...

I wish I had excuses for shorts and sunglasses too. Who am I kidding, I wear them regardless and end up freezing my butt off!

I bought the yellow AA nail polish and I like it! I had to layer it a bit, but other than that, it really popped and made me happy. Hope you like yours too!


Mindey said...

Wow, you look great!
Love the outfits, especially the lace shirt.
Beautiful polish!

shelby h.k. said...

just found your blog and adore it!

i bought the Amer Appar polish in 'L Esprit' and i looove. never even had to put a top coat on, it stayed for several days, shiny and chip-free. fabulous! can't wait to buy more colors.


shelby h.k. said...

just found your blog and adore it!

i bought the Amer Appar polish in 'L Esprit' and i looove. never even had to put a top coat on, it stayed for several days, shiny and chip-free. fabulous! can't wait to buy more colors.


shelby h.k. said...

just found your blog and adore it!

i bought the Amer Appar polish in 'L Esprit' and i looove. never even had to put a top coat on, it stayed for several days, shiny and chip-free. fabulous! can't wait to buy more colors.


shelby h.k. said...
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shelby h.k. said...
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shelby h.k. said...
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Sara said...

Wow, great style :D

Greetings from Norway :)

shelby h.k. said...

oh goodness, sorry it posted my comment like 500 times!! woopsies :(


Teresa said...

What a cool nail polish color! I'll have to try the new AA polishes. There are so many great colors!


Eat, Sleep, Denim said...

Wow, you can really rock those denim shorts.
Eat, Sleep, Denim <3

Jakarech said...

Love the outfit it looks great!
espically for the summer

Sofia said...

Love it!!
following ;)
