She describes her style as "ridiculously eclectic and unpredictable" and her inspirations include Alexa Chung and Catherine Baba, her photographs never seize to amaze and at only 16 she is sure to have a great future in the fashion industry.

GIVEAWAY She is currently holding an amazing and generous giveaway due to 1 year of blogging, I truly encourage you all to go visit and enter her giveaway for those beautiful vintage pieces shown above!
Also if everyone who comments also followed me on bloglovin I would really appreciate it.
She's 16? So creative and lovely! Nice blog highlight, Adele!
i've always loved margaret's blog ! i've been following her for quite a time :)
visit/follow/comment my blog back at..
Wow, she's amazing ! Thanks for sharing it :)
wow, love that collage you made about her and looove her blog! thanks for shaaring :)
wow didn't know she was only 16...her blog is amazing indeed!
Thanks for your comment..don't be jealous of my bed lol it is not in the slightest bit comfortable! :)
Thanks for following...I am following you via blogloving also now :)
Amazing! I had no idea about this girlie..thanks for sharing :)I love discovering new designers, especially when they're just starting out. Some exciting stuff to come out of this little lady for sure!
Also, just added you on bloglovin' :) Feel free to do the same.
she has an amazing style!
ohh and only 16..:)
Margaret just won agiveaway on my blog. Love your blog
Keep in touch
this is a great post! love the featured
i really like her style too....
She is very cool - thanks for highlighting her blog. xx
Thanks for sharing. She is awesome. I can't believe she is only 16
16?! Wow...I'm off to check out her site now :)
She's got really great style!
Wow, she is only 16 yet she is so fabulous. :-)
Ooh what a great feature on Margaret! She's got amazing style that's for sure. Love your collage though Adele, you're SO good at them! *jealous* ;)
Oh I had no idea Margaret was only 16...and from Sydney too. Surprises, surprises!
p.s. haha yes I know my current blog is a little difficult to get to, a little bit "follow the breadcrumbs" - but glad to see you managed ok. ;) Thanks for visiting, sweetie.
oeh pretty items! Lovely style
wow shes 16, very young and talented person, I will check her blos now
Wow she has such great style!
wow love her style!!!!!
she's only 16?!!! oh wowwww, she's amazing :)
Seriously, the Aussies have got it goin on!! Will be checking out her blog immediately, she has fantastic style! Thanks for sharing :)
Wow 16?! Amazing! Thanks for sharing!
She is SO talented and adorable; I love her!
xxoo Josie
Following you :)
fabulous style! thanks for your lovely comments! ♥
cara mia
I fixed it! :) You can see the photos now :) xx
following you too on bloglovin´ now !!
Yeah she's got such an awesome blog. In LOVE with her shoes.
she's gorgeous! definitely going to check her blog out! xoxo
hey dearest thanks for the comment <3
I would love to exchange links with you- I am constantly meaning to do a blogroll of my favourite blogs and yours is defs up there =]!
so yes, I will most defiantly link you on my blog..I'm going to wait untill my next post, (maybe tomorrow) because if I start doing it now I'll be here all night and I need to revise haha
so, check back tomorrow or the next day and you will be up there :)
wow love her style..very inspirational
would love you to visit Passport Glamour !!
Anna Katrina
Lovelovelove your blog!
Hey there!
I noticed your comment on SHINE BY THREE!
She is wearing our black and whtie striped skirt!
Please come check out the rest of our range cuz we also have a strapless dress version of the skirt! ITS HOT!
PS I really like your posts!!! Keep going!!!!
She has great style, great find!
Kb from I Want You To Know
Hey Adele, I saw your comment. I love how colorful your blog is, it really draws me in, and you take some great photos! Keep it up.
(: love your blog.
xx rena.
p.s. now following! please don't hesitate to take a little wander through the bloggy.
Just letting you know that you are now linked <3
great post girlie x
she has a cool style! thanks for sharing ;)
THB I didn't know about her blog so far, so thanks for the introduction! She has definitely a bright future ahead of her!
Thanks for the #FF, have a nice weekend!
i love her blog ! great one yourself :)
thanks for ur comment :)
sure id love to follow you :)
Thanks :) I follow you! Kiss
She's so beautiful! Great jewelry!
I added your pin, this is mine: 2591B6B4
I've got low battery so don't worry if doesn't work for the moment =)
Lot of love fromm Spain darling! ;)
cool post!!!!!!
lovely blog!!!!!!
thanx for ur comm!!!!!
yes i'm thinking skeggings are new thing :)
First time visiting your blog, you have a great blog dear!!! Keep up the good work.
She has great style! Great blogger spotlight!
She's gorgeous, and thanks for the lovely comment!
she's so cute!
*btw: soo jealous of your MiuMiu's
Wow, she has great style at such a young age. Great collage of photos!
xo, becs
your so sweet now following you & on bloglovin' !!
xo Anna Katrina
i love shiny by three! very impressive that she's only 16.
i'm following you via bloglovin now, i was wondering if you'd like to link?
Beautiful photos! I really love the stuff she's giving away!
And just in reply, yes I totally agree with you, her father being who he is has probably helped. That's the sad thing about modelling sometimes I suppose, it can be more about who you know, not what you know :(
Serina x
Thanks for the heads up on this blog. Her photos look stunning!
and i get to go to school with her
come and follow me :) x
great post.looks like a great blogger
off to see her blog now
take care
xx ediot
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