Ignore the most horrendous photo of me in last nights makeup with my hair not done and my room embarrassingly messy!
I convinced myself to buy the Henry Holland Super Suspender tights after my last post, unfortunately as trying them on for the first time I noticed a couple of holes and a ladder down the back :( So I’m going to have to send them back :( Hope they replace them & don’t think I wore them and did it my self!
I have had too much work to blog properly right now but I am trying! Those who follow me on twitter will know that I had my last Italian exam yesterday! Its sad really… no more Italian lectures till after my year in Italy! Scary!
After my exam my boyfriend took me for a much needed and well deserved trip into Nottingham for a little bit of shopping and I purchased these beauty bits; I was quite weary about spending £8 on this topshop lipstick as I know makeup isn’t there speciality but I want along and invested anyway to my boyfriends horror! However I thought 3 large nail varnishes for £12 in American Apparel was great especially as I got to choose the colours!
Sweater: American Apparel, Necklace: Accessorize, Shorts: Kate Moss for Topshop, Tights: House of Holland, Booties: Jeffrey Campbell
I'm definitely going to have to get those tights. It's ridiculous how much I want them! They sell them in Topshop now too (y)
I love those tights and I love that pink nail polish. Such a perfect combo for summer!
Those tights are notorious for ladders! I love the AA nail varnishes, great colours!
tweet tweet tweet
suspender tights are seriously at the top of my next shopping list!
They look so good on you :)
I was also weary about spending money on top-shop makeup... I bought their cream blush and it's actaully really good!
For £6 it's defiantly an attractive alternative to Mac which I normally invest in !
love the nail polish colours also
You look adorable!! No worries about the mess, it's really not even bad :) Sucks avbut the holes in the tights- hope they replace them!
Love the tights. I didn't know that AA did nail varnish. Will need to take a look. xx
I want those tights, and nail polishes!
hehe, didn't have to look down at the writing to see that those tights were henry holland! really need to get myself a pair too! love all the suspender-like ones!
btw, love the idea of having a calendar at the side! hope you don't mind, i might steal that idea but i'll mention you about it ;)
Thanks for visiting again :)
Love the Henry Holland tights! I don't know if I'd be daring enough to wear tehm tough!
Serina x
I'm obsessed with nail polishes and those colours are just perfect!
How are those AA nail polishes? Are they long-lasting? I love the colors :)
so sad that the tights were already destroyed! I hope the exchange them without any problems...
You look great in them though :) And I'm wearing that light coral aa nailpolish as I type this.
stripes are so timeless, im a huge fan
I love this outfit - especially your tights. they're gorgeous, i need me some!
+ tell me how the lipstick is! i really wanna try it out, but yeah £8 is a bit of a waste if it's shite! D:
Che bello il rossetto rosso! è troppo glamour e rende speciale ogni donna!
Comunque è carinissimo questo outfit!
you look gorgeous! ;) love ur blog!
Love the nail polish colors :)
Gorgeous outfit - anything with stripes gets two thumbs up from me!
Awesome photo format too. Very feminine. Very pretty. Nice. :)
£8 for topshop lipstick?=O It had better be good haha!
Love this outfit, as well as your blog. Thank you so much for the comment, it means a lot to me!
Lis xXx
Off The Wardrobe
Love those tights! they look amazing
LOVE the Henry Holland tights, you look great! We work at ELLE and he comes in all the time, love his fun designs! Fab blog, definitely be back! Come follow TBAG if you fancy. Bon weekend!! xxx
Love the nail vernish, also the grey
Kisses from France
Olivia & Mariam
I love the stripey shirt!
lovely t-shirt it looks nice
cute nail polishes
This tight is not my favourite, but i think you wear it perfectly :)
And i love the nailpolish and the lipstick colours ;)
This tight is not my favourite, but i think you wear it perfectly :)
And i love the nailpolish and the lipstick colours ;)
very interesting blog
loved it
OH you are adorable! I love this look!
Love your new nailpolish!!!
love those tights, i hope they replace them!
love the nail lacquers too.
Love the nail polishes! Especially that rich blue!
Yeahh, those tights are rad!
Love the grey nail polish : )
Those tights are amazing! I love them!
That lipstick is s pretty and I love that blue nail polish
American Apparel just got some new colours of nail polish and I LOVE them! I work there so I automatically obsessed!
I love nail polish...
thanx for commenting on my blog. your blog is great, nail polish can mean so much to an outfit.
oh the tights x
i wantttt your rights and sweater !
sadly we dont have AA here in indonesia :(
michelle @ glisters and blisters
You're so nice Adele, I really love your style! ;D
Check out my blog
that's too bad about the tights..i hope you get them replaced!
and i love your choice of the varnishes...especially the blue!
hope we get to see that lipstick on you!
You are so cute... love your smile. And those nail polish colors are so fabulous. xoxo
Love those tights, they're on my wishlist. Though I may get two after hearing about the hole!
i love your blog..
i follow it..
I can't believe they had holes! sucks!
Cute sweater!!! Speaking of American Apparel... I want to try their polishes. Must see if the store near me stocks it...
I am LOVING like, seriously LOVING that lip color!!!!
enter my GIVEAWAY! @: http://fashionandpoise.blogspot.com/2010/05/giveaway.html
Claudia K
Those tights are super cute! Too bad they were messed up already! What a bummer! Hopefully, they won't give you a hard time exchanging them :(
hello hello! those tights are so hot. i love mine so much. but i got a hole in mine too. but i have one extra pair-- still-- thinking of ordering a few new ones. its so great to have fun tights. hope you had a wonderful weekend darling. what did you do?
xx ediot
hi. my tshirt is from UNIF. it used to be sold at Nasty Gal online but they sold out. you should try UNIF's website though, maybe they have some?
Those nail polish shades are gorgeous -- love the pink!
xxoo Josie
LOVE that outfit! i've been curious about those polishes but i haven't heard the best reviews on them!
I love your tightss! But u have not seen any similar arownd!!
I do comment on other peoples blogs too. I love doing so!
Im going to follow you on twitter! I relly love your style!
Love love love it!!
ohh well done for finding those tights- theyre sold out everywhere!
lovely tights !
Aw, that's too bad about the tights- I hate when that happens! Hope you get a replacement pair in good condition! Those are fun nail polishes- I stocked up the other day on some new summer colors! xo, mel
I adore this point of blue for my nails! Really fabulous! Great post! Xoxo
cooooool post!!!!!!!
lovely outfit posts below too!!!!!!!!!!
amazin blog u have!!!!!
love ur black heels!!!!!!
please come visit and join if u fancy:))
Ah i wish i could be this AA nail polish anywhere! The colors are amazing!
no,no, no.... I NEEEED THESE TIGHTS!
i just looove those tights!!!
amazing nailpolishes<3
love the sweater and pearls combination!!
i fall inlove with you!
nice blog!
i love your outfit, and im so excited to get that pink shade of nail polish
so cute!
x courtney
In love with those tights! and the picture is pretty good though.
Cute blog! I just found it, and I am so glad.
I hope they replace your tights.
hey gorgeous,
how are you? love the tights, hope you get a new pair sent to you asap. They better else we won't like House of Holland anymore.
Have a wonderful Friday.
Dena xoxo
first of all i have to say that i LOVE your outfit!!
girl did you delete your italian blog? i followed it and now i discovered i lost lots of your posts you wrote only here. well if you did it i will continue reading you here ;)
(ps: if you're still studying italian i can write you in italian if it may be useful)
Oh no! I just ordered 3 pairs of them because I read that they rip easily! Awesome blog!
I just love those tights, I hope they send you a new pair!
I have the grey one !
Its brilliant !
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